
VSWR Calculator


Calculate VSWR, return loss, and mismatch loss using reflection coefficient

VSWR Formulas

Formula: VSWR = (1 + |Γ|)/(1 - |Γ|)

Formula: Return Loss = -20log₁₀|Γ|

Formula: Mismatch Loss = -10log₁₀(1 - |Γ|²)

Formula: |Γ| = |(ZL - Z₀)/(ZL + Z₀)|


  • VSWR = Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
  • Γ = Reflection coefficient
  • ZL = Load impedance
  • Z₀ = Line characteristic impedance
  • Pf = Forward power
  • Pr = Reflected power

Please note that calculations provided by this tool are for estimation and trial purposes only. The calculator may produce inaccurate results beyond our control. Calculatorlogy assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or discrepancies in the calculations provided.

How to use VSWR Calculator

  1. Select your preferred calculation method: reflection coefficient, power measurements, or impedance values
  2. For reflection coefficient method, enter the coefficient value between 0 and 1
  3. For power measurements, input forward and reflected power values in watts
  4. For impedance method, enter line and load impedance values in ohms
  5. Click calculate to view VSWR, return loss, and mismatch loss results

About VSWR Calculator

Signal Reflection Dynamics

Transmission line mismatches create voltage variations. Standing waves form from interference patterns. Wave superposition determines voltage peaks. Reflection coefficient quantifies signal bounce. Power transfer depends on impedance match. Line losses affect measurements.

Measurement Techniques

Power meters reveal forward flow. Directional couplers separate signals. Bridge circuits detect reflections. Vector analyzers track phase. Time domain shows discontinuities. Calibration ensures accuracy.

System Performance

Return loss indicates match quality. Mismatch loss reduces efficiency. Bandwidth varies with VSWR. Power handling decreases. Component stress increases. Temperature effects emerge.

Impedance Matching

Quarter-wave transformers optimize transfer. Stub tuners cancel reactance. Network topology affects bandwidth. Component values determine match. Quality factor impacts loss. Frequency response shapes performance.

Application Criteria

Antenna systems demand precision. RF power amplifiers need protection. Filter responses change. Cable assemblies show variation. Connector quality matters. Environmental factors influence stability.