
Health & Medical Calculators

Medical and health calculators for BMI, body fat, calorie intake, and other health-related calculations. Trusted tools for healthcare professionals.

Mortgage Calculator

Calculate your monthly mortgage payments and view amortization schedule.

AC Watt Calculator

Calculate AC power consumption using voltage, current, and power factor values.

DC Power Calculator

Calculate DC power using voltage and current measurements.

Electric Potential Calculator

Calculate electric potential difference between two points in an electric field.

Electrical Admittance Calculator

Calculate electrical admittance using conductance and susceptance values.

Power Factor Calculator

Calculate power factor in AC circuits using real and apparent power values.

Electricity Bill Calculator

Calculate electricity costs and daily average consumption based on usage and rates.

Capacitor Calculator

Calculate capacitor stored energy and RC time constant based on capacitance, voltage, and resistance values.

Flyback SMPS Calculator

Calculate key parameters for flyback SMPS design including inductance, peak current, and turns ratio.

Inductor Physical Calculator

Calculate physical properties of an inductor including wire length, resistance, and weight.

Flat Spiral Inductor Calculator

Calculate the inductance of flat spiral inductors using Wheeler's formula for PCB and flat coils

Cylindrical Inductor Calculator

Calculate the inductance of cylindrical air core inductors using Wheeler's formula for solenoids

Series Inductors Calculator

Calculate the total inductance of inductors connected in series

Self Inductance Calculator

Calculate the self inductance of an inductor using flux linkage and current

Parallel Inductors Calculator

Calculate the total inductance of inductors connected in parallel

Toroid Inductance Calculator

Calculate the inductance factor (AL) of toroidal cores for inductor design

Wire Self Inductance Calculator

Calculate the self inductance of a straight wire considering skin effect

Stripline Differential Impedance Calculator

Calculate the differential impedance of stripline traces on PCB

Microstrip Differential Impedance Calculator

Calculate the differential impedance of microstrip traces on PCB

Microstrip Impedance Calculator

Calculate the characteristic impedance of microstrip traces on PCB

Microstrip Transmission Line Calculator

Calculate characteristic impedance and wave propagation parameters of microstrip transmission lines

Coaxial Cable Calculator

Calculate characteristic impedance, attenuation, capacitance and inductance of coaxial cables

Stripline Impedance Calculator

Calculate characteristic impedance and transmission line parameters of striplines

L-Network Matching Calculator

Calculate component values for L-type impedance matching networks

Pi-Network Matching Calculator

Calculate component values for Pi-type impedance matching networks

RF Power Density Calculator

Calculate RF power density, field strength, Fresnel zone and path loss

VSWR Calculator

Calculate VSWR, return loss, and mismatch loss using reflection coefficient

Transformer Turns Calculator

Calculate primary and secondary turns, turns ratio for transformer design

Transformer Current Calculator

Calculate primary and secondary currents, power factors for transformers

Transformer Primary Wire Size Calculator

Calculate primary wire size, cross-sectional area for transformer windings

Transformer Wire Length Calculator

Calculate required wire length, number of layers for transformer design

Transformer Winding Weight Calculator

Calculate winding weights, volumes, and total copper weight for transformers

Solenoid Electromagnetic Force Calculator

Calculate electromagnetic force, flux density for solenoid design

Beam Deflection Calculator

Calculate deflection, stresses, and other parameters for solid rectangular beams under different loading conditions

Beam Length Calculator

Calculate required beam length based on deflection and stress criteria

Cantilever Beam Calculator

Calculate deflection, stress for cantilever beams under loading

Distributed Load Cantilever Calculator

Calculate beam responses under distributed loads for cantilevers

Cantilever Slope and Deflection Calculator

Calculate slopes, deflections for cantilever beams under loading

Double Moment Cantilever Calculator

Calculate rotations, deflections for cantilevers under moments

Point Load Cantilever Calculator

Calculate beam responses for cantilevers under concentrated load

Uniform Load Cantilever Calculator

Calculate deflection, stresses for uniformly loaded cantilevers

Rafter Length Calculator

Calculate rafter lengths, angles for roof construction

Hollow Beam Deflection Calculator

Calculate deflections, stresses for hollow beam sections

Solid Round Beam Calculator

Calculate deflection, stresses for solid round beams

Hollow Shaft Deflection Calculator

Calculate angular deflections, stresses, power transmission, and critical speeds for hollow shafts under torsional loads

Concrete Block Calculator

Calculate quantities, volumes, weights and costs for concrete block walls including mortar and wastage

Concrete Mix Design Calculator

Calculate concrete mix proportions, strength, workability, and cost based on design requirements and standards

Concrete Column Fill Calculator

Calculate concrete and reinforcement quantities, formwork area, and costs for rectangular or circular columns

Concrete Foundation Calculator

Calculate foundation dimensions, reinforcement requirements, and costs based on loads and soil conditions

Concrete Components Calculator

Calculate optimal proportions of cement, water, aggregates, and air content for concrete mixtures

Concrete Mix Ratio Calculator

Calculate concrete mix ratios and batch quantities based on strength requirements and exposure conditions

Concrete Slab Max Length Calculator

Calculate maximum allowable slab length based on structural requirements and loading conditions

Concrete Slab Max Wall Load Calculator

Calculate maximum allowable wall load and height on concrete slabs based on structural capacity and serviceability requirements

Concrete Slab Volume Calculator

Calculate concrete volumes, formwork areas, and costs for flat, waffle, and ribbed slabs with detailed material analysis

Concrete Weight Calculator

Calculate concrete weights, loads, and seismic masses for various element types with reinforcement analysis

Roof Angle Calculator

Calculate roof angles, dimensions, and material requirements for different roof styles

Roof Slope Calculator

Calculate roof slope angles, drainage capacity, wind exposure factors, and material requirements for different roofing materials and climate conditions

Annuity Present and Future Value Calculator

Calculate present and future values of annuities with adjustable payment frequencies and growth rates

Annual Income Payment Calculator

Calculate annual income payments with adjustable withdrawal strategies, tax implications, and inflation effects

Quarterly Annuity Payment Calculator

Calculate quarterly annuity payments with detailed amortization schedule and escalation options

Credit Card Minimum Payment Calculator

Calculate credit card payoff time and total costs with different payment strategies and interest scenarios

Loan Amount Calculator

Calculate maximum loan amount based on payment capacity, interest rates, and loan terms with amortization schedule

Loan Balance Calculator

Calculate current loan balance, progress, and projected payoff with detailed payment analysis and amortization schedule

Loan Payment Calculator

Calculate loan payments with different payment types, frequencies, and detailed amortization analysis

Loan Interest Calculator

Calculate loan interest rates and costs with different compounding frequencies and detailed periodic analysis

Loan Comparison Calculator

Compare multiple loans with detailed cost analysis, amortization schedules, and savings calculations

Loan Refinance Calculator

Analyze loan refinancing options with detailed cost comparisons, break-even analysis, and amortization schedules

Loan Payoff Calculator

Plan loan payoff strategies with extra payments, debt snowball/avalanche methods, and detailed savings analysis

Loan Consolidation Calculator

Calculate the benefits of consolidating multiple loans into a single loan with detailed cost analysis

Marginal Cost Calculator

Calculate marginal cost, average cost, and analyze cost changes based on output variations

Effective Annual Rate Calculator

Calculate the effective annual rate (EAR) and analyze the impact of different compounding frequencies on investment returns

Days Sales Outstanding Calculator

Calculate Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) to analyze accounts receivable efficiency and cash conversion cycle

Inventory Shrinkage Calculator

Calculate inventory shrinkage rate and analyze its financial impact on your business

Inventory Turnover Calculator

Calculate inventory turnover ratio and analyze inventory management efficiency

Current Ratio Calculator

Calculate current ratio, quick ratio, and analyze company's liquidity position

Loan Term Calculator

Calculate loan term length based on payment amount, interest rate, and additional parameters with detailed analysis

BMR Calculator

Calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and daily calorie needs based on activity level

Body Fat Calculator

Calculate your body fat percentage using the U.S. Navy method and analyze body composition

Men's BMI Calculator

Calculate and analyze Body Mass Index (BMI) specifically for men, including frame size adjustments

Women's BMI Calculator

Calculate and analyze Body Mass Index (BMI) specifically for women, including pregnancy considerations

Lean Body Mass Calculator

Calculate lean body mass using multiple formulas and determine daily protein needs

HbA1c Calculator

Calculate HbA1c levels and estimate average blood glucose values with daily reading patterns

Creatinine Clearance Calculator

Calculate kidney function using multiple formulas and assess GFR stages

BUN/Creatinine Ratio Calculator

Calculate and interpret BUN/Creatinine ratio with unit conversion and clinical implications

CHA₂DS₂-VASc Score Calculator

Calculate stroke risk in atrial fibrillation and determine anticoagulation needs

Apgar Score Calculator

Calculate and interpret Apgar scores for newborn assessment

Aldrete Score Calculator

Calculate post-anesthesia recovery score and determine PACU discharge readiness

Blood Pressure Calculator

Professional blood pressure analysis with clinical recommendations and risk assessment

Blood Alcohol Calculator

Calculate blood alcohol content (BAC) and assess impairment levels with safety recommendations

Gestational Diabetes Diet Calculator

Calculate personalized meal plans and nutritional requirements for gestational diabetes management

Child-Pugh Score Calculator

Calculate liver disease severity and prognosis using the Child-Pugh scoring system

Oxygen Content Calculator

Calculate arterial and venous oxygen content, evaluate tissue oxygenation

Pulmonary Vascular Resistance Calculator

Calculate and evaluate pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) with clinical interpretation

Systemic Vascular Resistance Calculator

Calculate and evaluate systemic vascular resistance (SVR) with clinical interpretation

Heart Rate Calorie Calculator

Calculate calories burned based on heart rate, duration, and personal factors

Character Counter

Count characters, words, lines and more in your text in real-time

ASCII Text Converter

Convert text to ASCII, hexadecimal, binary, and octal formats in real-time

Base64 Converter

Encode text to Base64 or decode Base64 to text with real-time conversion

Exponent Calculator

Calculate exponents with step-by-step solutions and scientific notation

Factorial Calculator

Calculate factorials with step-by-step solutions and scientific notation for large numbers

Color Converter

Convert colors between HEX, RGB, HSL, and CMYK formats with live preview

Cooking Unit Converter

Convert between cooking measurements including cups, spoons, milliliters, and grams

Length Converter

Convert between metric and imperial length units with high precision

Volume Converter

Convert between metric, imperial, and US volume units with high precision

VAT Calculator

Calculate Value Added Tax (VAT) for any amount. Add or remove VAT with different rates.

Total Inventory Cost Calculator

Calculate and analyze total inventory costs including holding, ordering, purchase, and stockout components